Historic pamphlets:
- Fundamental Principals of Psychological Phenomena - 1910 - W.M. Lockwood
- Psychic Healing, Booklet 2 - Harry Boddington
- 100 Questions and Answers on The Laws of Spirit Mediumship - Peggy Barnes
- 100 Questions and Answers to The Philosophy of Spiritualism - Rev. Lena Barnes Jefts
- A Catechism of Spiritual Philosophy - W.J. Colville
- Expanding Your Psychic Consciousness, Vol 2 - 1951 - Ruth Welch
- The Radient Life, Vol 1 #1 - November 1910 - Will J. Erwood
- The Radient Life, Vol 1 #4 - February 1911 - Will J. Erwood
- Spiritual Values and the Resurrection - 1925 - Trance Lectures - Will J. Erwood
- The Rosicrucian Philosophy
- The Spiritual Songster - 1917 - Mattie Hull Marvin
- Principles of Metaphysics for Beginners - Vol 1, God - LM & RN Holliwell
- Principles of Metaphysics for Beginners - Vol 2, The Spoken Word - LM & RN Holliwell
- The Old and the New -or- The Worlds Progress in Religious Thought - 1897 - Moses Hull
- The Eighth Sparks Book - 1944 - Emmet Fox
- Revelation of the Christian Mysteries - Book XI - The Nine Beatitudes - Hanna Jacob Doumette
- The Lords Prayer - An Interpretation - 1932/1938 - Emmet Fox